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December 20, 2010

seaweed fulvescens, oyster soup/rice

Maesaeng-e gul gukbap

One of the famous 'Healthy food' in Korea made from Capsosiphon fulvescens and Oyster.

Capsosiphon fulvescens is a green alga that is abundant along the southwest coast of South Korea. Although it is consumed for its purported health-enhancing

韓国では メセンイ と呼びます.
体に良い メセンイと かき を入れてご飯と, キムチとともに食べます. 韓国の南側海岸でたくさん育っている メセンイ増えた健康食品で韓国人たちにもたくさん知られています. メセンイと かき 路作った 'グルグックバブ'がホテルスカイ近くにあります!!!


In the recent years, there has been increasing demand of nutritive and health foods in Korea. Species diversification is needed in order for seaweed aquaculture to take advantage of these expanding markets. With this in mind, the cultivation of Capsosiphon fulvescens and Costaria costata, was successfully developed. Capsosiphon fulvescens is a filamentous chlorophycean alga growing in the upper littoral regions of the rocky-shore. It has been used as food in the form of soup with oysters along the Southwestern Coast of Korea.
Only 5 minutes by walk from Hotel SKY you will see the famous Maesaeng-e gul gukbap

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